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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

HARP 3 : What’s the #MyRefi Program And Who May Qualify (Including Mortgage Rates)

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HARP 3.0 : Alt-A and Sub-Prime Market Share 1998-2007

There's been little talk of HARP 3 lately, but that doesn't mean that program is stalled.

The rumored HARP upgrade was conceptually introduced by the President; backing the idea that "every responsible homeowner" should be able to refinance to today's low mortgage rates.

In some form, HARP 3.0 is expected to pass, it's just unclear when. The government is calling the program "A Better Bargain For U.S. Homeowners".

Skip to today HARP mortgage rates.

Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP) is a government-backed refinance program. It was launched in 2009 as a means to stimulate the economy. At the time, mortgage rates were falling but few homeowners were able to refinance because they had lost too much equity in their respective homes.

HARP waived certain loan-to-value requirements, and close to 1 million U.S. households took advantage.

Then, in 2012, HARP was expanded. 

Dubbed HARP 2.0, all loan-to-value requirements were waived with the new release, as were proof of income requirements; proof of asset requirements; minimum credit score requirements; plus, as a host of other qualifiers.

In many cases, HARP 2.0 won't require home appraisal.

The retooled HARP 2.0 was specifically designed to remove refinancing hurdles which existed under the program's initial iteration. Consider HARP's three basic requirements :

To use HARP, you must have less than 20% equity in your homeTo use HARP, you must have paid your loan on-time for the last 6 monthsTo use HARP, your loan must have a note date of no later than May 31, 2009

There's a fourth requirement, too -- HARP requires that your mortgage be backed by either Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. This clause specifically affects the millions of underwater U.S. homeowners whose mortgages are privately-held.

With HARP 3, that requirement may be no longer. Soon, even homeowners with existing Alt-A, jumbo and sub-prime loans could find themselves HARP-eligible.

Click for today's live HARP mortgage rates.

HARP 3.0 is not yet passed but it makes for some interesting talk. HARP 3.0 would likely help homeowners whose mortgages are specifically not backed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac.

This is a big deal because, although the Fannie Mae-Freddie Mac-FHA triumvirate controls more than 90% of today's new mortgage originations, that wasn't the case from 2001-2007. Last decade, non-GSE lending was a major part of the U.S. housing market.

For example, Federal Reserve data shows that Alt-A mortgages accounted for 27.5% of mortgage originations in 2005. Today, by current rules, each of these homeowners is locked out from the Home Affordable Refinance Program.

HARP 3 would allow these Alt-A customers to (finally!) refinance their home loans.

In addition, there were lots of "A Paper" mortgages that went to sub-prime investors last decade because, at the time, the sub-prime market offered lower mortgage rates than the conforming market did. Ludicrous, but true.

Conforming, 30-year fixed rate mortgage rates were 5.50 percent in mid-2005. Sub-prime 30-year fixed rates, by contrast, were a quarter-point lower at 5.25%. Which would you have taken?

Homeowners with sub-prime mortgages may become HARP-eligible, too.

And, lastly, HARP 3.0 could help homeowners with jumbo mortgages that, in today's market, would not be jumbo mortgages.

Last decade, before conforming loan limits were raised to $625,500 in "high-cost areas" throughout California, Virginia, Maryland, and New York, for example, homeowners who bought or refinanced were relegated to non-conforming loan products -- loans that met typical underwriting guidelines but that were too big for Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac to purchase.

After home values fell, although their mortgages met Fannie Mae loan standards; and, although their mortgages were within Fannie Mae loan limits, these homeowners were unable to use HARP 2.0 because their mortgages weren't backed by the government. They were held by a bank, such as Wells Fargo, CitiMortgage, Chase, or Bank of America.

With HARP 3, these "high-cost", jumbo homeowners would get the chance to refinance.

Click for today's live HARP mortgage rates.

We don't know when HARP 3.0 will be made official (if ever). Nor do we know which homeowners will qualify for HARP 3 when it's passed. However, based on HARP history and talk from Washington, D.C., we can make a few good guesses.

Some of the "borrower types" HARP 3.0 is expected to target include :

A self-employed person who used stated income loan for the original mortgage, and can verify their current income via federal tax returnsA "prime" borrower who used a sub-prime mortgage because mortgage rates were lower and/or fees were less as compared to a conforming oneA jumbo mortgage homeowner who lives in a "high-cost area" whose original mortgage was for between $417,000 and $625,500A wage earner who used a stated income and/or stated asset mortgage for convenienceSub-prime borrower who has paid mortgage as agreed and can verify income and assetsAn Alt-A borrower whose FICOs were low at date of origination, but have since improved

There are literally millions of U.S. homeowners who would meet HARP 3.0 eligibility standards, which would open today's low mortgage rates to all of them.

HARP 3 is an interesting product. It would be the extension of HARP 2.0 for homeowners whose mortgages are private-market money -- either because non-government loans were cheaper, or because no suitable government product existed.

So, whether you're a HARP 2.0 candidate, HARP 3.0 candidate, or just want to see today's mortgage rates, get started now. HARP mortgage rates are comparable to non-HARP rates, there is no obligation to proceed,and no social security number required to get started.

Click here to get HARP mortgage rates.

Dan Green is a mortgage market expert, providing over 10 years of direct-to-consumer advice. NMLS #1019791. You can also connect with Dan on Twitter and on Google+.

View the original article here

Wednesday, August 1, 2012



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Jumbo Luxury Home Loan Underwater Debt Relief

Jumbo Luxury Home Loan Underwater Debt Relief

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

How To Identify Money-Making Properties!

There are a lot of the properties listed for sale each and every day. So many, that it can be overwhelming to decide on which properties might be good to buy for an investment. Maybe you are one of those individuals thinking about getting into real estate investing. Or maybe you are one of those individuals who already are investing, but have not been all that successful in finding those "diamonds in the rough". In either case, please read on and discover how to correctly identify money-making properties that will help you to realize huge profits time and time again.

Finding a realtor that you can trust is essential if you want to be successful in real estate investing. Without this "external" team member you are left using your gut and more than likely a lot of your time researching the market to help make your decision. Realtors can access information on properties in minutes that may take you hours or days to access, so use them!

When you do find a realtor that you can trust have them assist you with the following:

The property's asking price. Could you get it for less than what is being asked? A realtor can tell you.

The property's selling price and what repairs are going to be needed to get it sold for the same amount as other like homes in the area are selling for. You want to make sure your property is just a "notch above" the others in your market at your price range.

Find out how long like properties in the area have been on the market (on average). This will tell you the amount of time that you can expect until you flip it (if that's the route you're taking).

Find out the average sale price for like properties in your area also. This will help you decide how much to rehab (dollar amount and quality), and how much you can expect your house to sell for.

Next are some suggestions on how to identify a property. These tips will put you ahead of the competition in your area and help you to buy smart for huge profits:

Look for properties with large bedrooms. People like space. They don't want to walk into their bedroom and fall face down into the bed.

Look for openess in a floor plan. A very open floor plan can give the illusion of more space.

Try to locate properties with bigger kitchens. Why is this important, you may ask? The next time you have a party, take a look at where everyone gathers (understand? ).

Make sure that the property you are considering has a dry basement and that the foundation is straight with no bowing. Wet basements mean leaks and leaks mean repairs, and repairs mean EXPENSES! In addition , wet basements can mean the dreaded four letter word, M-O-L-D. Steer clear of wet basements!

Find a property that has a maintenance-free exterior, such as a brick or maintenance-free vinyl siding. They're out there, you just got to look.

Consider the neighbors and the neighborhood. Come by at different times of the day to see how the neighborhood is. Is it loud? Are there a lot of kids who should be in school or people milling about who should be at work? Are there any abandoned cars? Are the neighbors' homes next to the property, across the street from the property, and behind the property in disrepair? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions--FIND ANOTHER PROPERTY!

Run a registered sex offender search for your area. You don't want to rent to a family and then find out that there is a sex offender living right next door.

Look for a property with a newer roof and mechanicals.

Find a property with some curb appeal.

These tips offered in this article should have you on your way to identifying money-making properties in no time. Once you get it down to a system, there will be no stopping you from making huge profits each and every time!

Real Estate Marketing - Foreclosures

Friday, July 27, 2012

Make Money in Real Estate Now

real estate investing Made Easy

In the past few years, real estate has seen an unprecedented level of foreclosures on both residential and commercial properties. Banks are desperate to be rid of these bank owned properties, and many commercial owners feel the same way. Making commercial short sales is a great way to fill these needs and make a bit of profit while you're at it. Karen Hanover explains how.

Understanding Bank Short Sales

The first thing to understand is what exactly commercial short sales are, and why they happen. The common story of a short sale goes as follows: a property owner owns a debt on his property that he cannot repay, most likely because the property values have depreciated due to the sorry state of the real estate market. He's missed a few payments on his mortgage and is facing imminent foreclosure. However , even the banks don't like initiating foreclosures; they are a lot of work and still leave a stain on the bank's records. So the lender may decide that it's better to accept a loss on the property than to foreclose on it, and they let it go for a discount. Then an enterprising buyer (that's you) can sweep it up and resell it for a profit.

Making the Most of Money Making Opportunities

That is the theory, of course—the real trick is choosing the right properties and pulling off the resale. To do this, you must possess several qualities. First, you must be a great networker and possess the commitment to sniff out any and all money making opportunities for both acquiring new bank owned properties, and profitably releasing the ones you own. Second, you must be serious and trainable. real estate investing can be a tricky business with a lot of relevant laws. You must become an expert on foreclosures and foreclosure law in a fairly short time and apply that knowledge consistently. And last, but certainly not least, you must be determined. In the face of setbacks, it is not uncommon to feel discouraged. You must persevere, however. In every failure is the opportunity to learn from your mistakes.

A Review of Training Courses

One final note of caution—although free articles about short sales are a great place to start educating yourself about the whole process, you will eventually run out of information and have to turn to a paid real estate training course if you really want to learn enough to make money. These training courses from reported "gurus" are unregulated and full of scams. A good way to test whether you're signing up for the real deal or not is to pump them for free information. They should respond with a lot of what is listed here on real estate investing, and on various internet sources. If not, there's a chance that you'll blow thousands of dollars just to learn what anyone with an internet connection can learn!

Copyright (c) 2010 Jack Bosch

Real Estate Marketing - What is a Short Sale and How to Negotiate to Stop Foreclosure? - Part 7

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Big Screen TV ��� Which Do I Want?

What kind of big screen TV do I buy? The debate rages on!!

Many home theater enthusiasts prefer a big screen TV to the bulky projection systems. They sacrifice screen size for picture quality and space requirements. There are many types of televisions to choose from but we will cover the Plasma vs . LCD TV debate first.

Plasma TV is by far the coolest and most expensive. They are extra thin, (only a few inches) and very lightweight. They’re great for small rooms or apartments since they can be hung on the wall like a picture. The superior contrast, brightness and wide viewing angle of color plasma TV’s, have made them an excellent choice for viewing HDTV programming. The price of Plasma TV’s has been dropping recently with prices starting at around a thousand dollars all the way up to 20K for a top of line huge plasma TV.

LCD (liquid crystal display) TV's are very similar to LCD computer monitors and offer video reproduction quality approaching that of plasma displays. LCD models generally cost less than comparable plasma models. They are extremely lightweight and thin and come in sizes from 7 inches to about 32 inches and more.

Of course as the big screen TV debate continues, we must not forget the standard CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) TV’s. These deliver great picture quality and are the most affordable by screen size. The negative is that they are very heavy and bulky. That is why they are losing ground to the slimmer, lightweight Plasma and LCD TV’s.

High Definition TV is becoming the new standard for TV’s. The current format for television broadcasting in America, as well as much of the world, is the NTSC format. While analog NTSC may have been the format of choice for nearly 50 years, digital broadcasting is revolutionizing the broadcast industry. High definition digital television broadcasting (HDTV) provides a much higher image resolution than NTSC. While NTSC could only provide around 650 lines of information per image, HDTV offers up to 1080 lines. This allows for much more detail and clarity.

Click here for more information

Panasonic VIERA TC-P50U50 50-Inch 1080p Full HD Plasma TV

New foreclosures jump 9% in second quarter

Foreclosures showed few signs of slowing during the first half of the year, with a sharp increase in new filings occurring during the second quarter. More than one million homes had foreclosure filings -- notices of default, auction notices and bank repossessions -- during the first six months of 2012, up 2% from the previous six months, according to RealtyTrac, an online marketer of foreclosed properties. New foreclosures jump 9% in second quarter The other foreclosure crisis: Losing a home over $400 in back taxes Whistleblowers win $46.5 million in foreclosure settlement Mortgage-debt forgiveness preventing foreclosures Homeowners to receive up to $125,000 for foreclosure abuses And while the number of filings was down 11% from the first six months of 2011, 20 states still saw a marked year-over-year increase. Foreclosure filings in Indiana, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Connecticut, Florida and Illinois increased by 20% or more. Even more troubling was a surge in new foreclosure starts that occurred during the second quarter. The number of homes with new foreclosure filings was up 9% from the first quarter and was 6% higher than the second quarter of 2011, marking the first year-over-year increase since the last quarter of 2009.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Real Estate Business without Pleasure

Here is a short list that many investors are using to close the deal in real estate investments in and day out. I would like to get your hands on it? Well below you will find the list in that many potential investors would kill by or you ready to do the same?
Winging it-almost all real estate courses made available online or in offices of real estate investors advises potential investors for the practice of strategy "fake, until you make it" and just go with the flow even without a plan.This is one of the many ways that so many people are swindled out of hundreds and thousands and sometimes millions of dollars. you never want to go into a business without a plan.
The absence of a team of professionals-if you're seriously considering invade the business of real estate; good luck.The important thing to remember is not I it alone. it is important that you build a team of professionals who have your best interest at heart. This can be difficult, but offset with research and information, it can be accomplished.
Breaking the Bank in a business-never go into a business with the intention to acquire a house without first knowing the value of the property.There is never a bad time to invest in real estate, regardless of what the media is saying.
Building commercial entities without your name-for many people end up losing everything themselves for this reason, don't become a victim of this if you're in the business of gambling, it would be better to go to Las Vegas.It is important that you do extensive research to get a better understanding of the work as corporate entities.
The Wild, Wild West mentality-if you're under the impression that you can do whatever you want, when faced with owners of dire need, you'd better take a look in the mirror and rethink their assumptions is everything following the rules if you want to be successful in this line of work.
Study of title or non-this can take you to an abyss with no possible way of exit.Title search is important and should not be taken lightly, so it would be smart of someone who invest time, money and life for buildings to learn how to search titles where necessary.
Reservations for money-the real estate business is always about the money, no matter what it is not always about how to use your money to find deals, promotions by land or close business; however, it will always have money to make money in real estate, regardless of what anyone can say.
Education should not go ignored-education has always been the gateway to success rather than changes in the business of real estate and education should not be based on some infomercial saw yesterday evening.Educate yourself can come in various forms, but not wasting money on education that you could be using for handling promotions. many people spend hundreds and thousands of dollars in real estate classes just to have nothing to show for it. leave your education speak for themselves through the massive business closure.
Crunching the numbers correctly-this is a way many people learn the hard way about why they end up underestimating your pictures or your Fixer above and/or holding money investment. This is a mistake that could end her career before it even Gets started.
Last but not least, needless to say, real estate is not a get rich scheme-GO Figure!

Finally, did you know that there are 7 secrets that most successful Real Estate Investors does not want you to know? In my free report "SHOCK & AWE crisis investing", "ll reveal these and many more techniques that can improve your bottom line almost immediately you'll learn the profits in any economic climate (which is something that I bet you're interested in now), like being in 2.3% of investors who never have to struggle to make money and you will also learn the # 1 reason, you should change your business model---now.
Remember the report is free---don't miss out Click Here Now!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wells Fargo installs with 8 States on allegations of pay option ARM

Wells Fargo(WFC: 26.30 + 0.18%) set with eight offices of attorneys general status after each claimed two subsidiaries misleading marketed payment-option adjustable-rate mortgage bank.

Wells Fargo will provide eligible borrowers at risk of these loans with a combination of reduction, loan term, main extensions and rate reductions. Until 8,715 borrowers throughout Arizona, Colorado, Florida, New Jersey, Washington, Texas, Illinois, and Nevada will be provided to the modding between December and June 2013.

It considers that regulation generates over 402 million dollars in the major global forgiveness. According to the Arizona AG, regulation will provide $ 772 million in "total economic value," which includes changes and money directly to States.

Alleged States Wachovia and Golden West marketed illegal pay-option arms that violated laws because companies could not explain only the minimum payment due to the early years of the loan not covering the total accrued interest.

Wells Fargo does ' t offers pay-option arm.It assumes the loans in question when he purchased at the end of 2008 Wachovia and Golden West acquired in May 2006.Le regulation includes no admission of wrongdoing.

More than 4,000 Florida borrowers receive approximately relief.Au $ 208 million less 1,718 borrowers in Arizona will receive approximately $ 154 million and New Jersey to collect 500 owners in WA dollars.Plus 67 million owners stand will get règlement.Toujours 200 Texas owners of $ 5 million to $ 29 million and less 531 Illinois owners will receive 39.5 million dollars raised.

Colorado and Nevada does not liberated amounts deductible mortgage expected.

TARP Control Panel calls for more transparency after emerging conflicts

Department of Treasury intensive use of TARP private entrepreneurs creates concerns about transparency and potential conflicts of interest. 

In its report of October, the private Congress program promulgated by President Bush two years ago said Business Review Oversight Committee operate 91 different contracts to 434 million from the emergency program although problématique.Le program has ended there are a few days and Treasury considers cost final about 50 billion dollars. Most important contracts are those supplied at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for administrative services and compliance for locking mitigation programs and they "raise particular concerns".

"Both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have a history of deep company mismanagement and the two companies have DOM: range .collapsed in 2008 this was for the intervention of the Government," said Panel. "The two companies have fallen short in aspects of their performance, recently made a major mistake in reporting on the defaults re mortgage data Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac has had difficulty in its assigned deadlines.»

Recommend members of the Panel to publish lists of subcontracts online and provide updates to regular, public performance contractors to improve transparence.Des problems arise because developers do not have to comply with requests under the freedom of information act and can hire outsourcing contracts that do not have to be disclosed, depending on the control panel.

"Important information is buried in the task orders are never published in any form and the Treasury Board publishes any useful information on the performance of contractors for the duration of the contract," said the Panel.

The potential conflict of interest is the responsibility of private profit goals and some made some Treasury also advise banks received TARP funds advice offices.

The Commission recommends that Treasury Board develop an independent conflict monitoring mechanism which makes it less dependent on the information of contractors and agents themselves.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sizzling Hot Selling Home tips for a Home seller to Go By

People use their home as their investment. They build homes and sell it to other people to have a budget in building up a new home. It is very sad on their part if they will sell their houses after so many years of spending their lives in them.

But some Americans even sell their homes within two weeks. If you plan to sell your home, there are still some considerations that must prevail because, it will be a two way process, the transaction will be between you and your buyer.

Here are some of the tested home selling tips that will serve as your guide.

Home selling tip #1: Prepare your home before putting up a "for sale" sign.

Attract buyers and sell your own home with low cost cosmetic steps. Cut the grass, clean up the outside, paint drab walls and remove inside clutter. Because most people buy homes that appear clean, solid and well maintained.

Home selling tip #2: Set your price right and sell your own home fast.

Find the true value of your home by comparing it to similar homes recently sold in your neighborhood.

Home selling tip #3: Good Advertising sells Homes.

In any kind of product, a quality advertisement helps a lot in grabbing buyers’ attention. New low cost web sites will put multiple pictures of your house on the Internet.

Home selling tip #4: Sell your own home with an open house.

Kick off your home selling campaign with an open house. Invite all the neighbors for blocks around your house. Show them your home's best points and tell them your price. This is because neighbors will serve as best promoters when it comes to their relatives, friends and other people related to them.

Now, here are also some Home selling tips for negotiating with buyers.

•  Always make a counter offer when selling your own home. The buyer who offers less than your asking price can be encouraged to pay more or agree to other terms like accepting the house without repairs.

•  The home selling process differs from state to state, but there are some important steps that most home sellers should take before listing a house with an agent or selling it for sale by owner. Every bit of prep work you do helps you get the most return from your investment.

•  To secure your investments, get pre approved for a home loan. This is to help you avoid ending up renting a house after you sold yours.

•  Check Your Mortgage Payoff

•  Determine How Much Your House Is Worth. It is a task on your part to determine your home’s fair market value; you can seek for the help of a real estate agent.

•  Estimate Your Costs to Sell. Real estate agents deal with transactions every day and can give you a very close estimate of seller closing costs.

•  Estimate Costs to Buy a New Home. Calculate moving expenses, loan costs, down payment, home inspections, title work and title policy, paying for a new hazard insurance policy--all expenses related to buying a home. Your lender should give you a disclosure of estimated costs when you apply for loan pre-approval.

•  Calculate Your Estimated Proceeds. It is necessary for you to estimate the proceeds of your money for you to assess the needed changes if any to the price that your going to sell your house.

•  Make Necessary Repairs. Buyers are very particular with the quality of the products. Particularly when it comes to the home that they are going to purchase, because it is where they will spend their everyday life. Meticulous customers must also be taken into consideration. Usually, first impression lasts for these kinds of people, so on the first time they will enter your home, everything must be fixed properly.

•  Get the House Ready to Show. After all the preparations you made. This is no the exact time when a buyer will be visiting your home so be ready for all their possible critics if ever.

•  Get Psyched Up to Let People In. Make the house accessible. That means it should always be ready to show. Many agents won't bother showing a house that takes 24 hours to get into.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Probably needed--and Here's Why

Must You be obligated to operate an LLC for the buying and selling of Real Estate property? 

Should you use an LLC for your real estate investing?
Attorneys and accountants like there clients using limited liability companies. But do limited liability companies—LLCs for short—really make sense for real estate investors. Probably they do for two almost unknown reasons.

The Big Legal Benefit of an LLC: Limited Liability…
The big legal benefit of an LLC is that limited liability companies provide all the same liability protection as a corporation—but with much less red tape. A regular corporation, for example, requires regular stockholders meetings, a board of directors, regular board meetings, and of course records of all these activities and bodies. But a limited liability company doesn’t.
This legal liability protection provided by an LLC can be extremely valuable. One local attorney I often collaborate with, for example, tells his clients that an LLC protects real estate investors from the worst case scenario—which in his mind is a “slip and fall” accident on the investor’s property.

With an LLC as the property owner, so says my attorney friend, the “worst case scenario” is liquidation of the LLC. That liquidation means the people who own the LLC wind up with nothing—which isn’t good. But all the owners lose is what they’ve invested in the LLC.
In comparison, without an LLC, the real estate investor’s “worst case scenario” if there’s a “slip and fall” accident is that the owner or investor can lose almost everything they own. In other words, the business owners or investors could lose not only their investment in the real estate property but many other assets.
Let me issue a caveat here, however. You may not get as much legal liability protection from an LLC as you want or hope. Say, for example, that you’re repairing the roof on your apartment house and that, unfortunately, you happen to drop a hammer onto the tenant’s head during the roofing project. Your LLC probably won’t protect you from that sort of tort liability. In other words, the tenant can probably look not only to your LLC for payment of damages related to the dropped hammer but also to you personally.


And here’s another example, which unfortunately makes things even murkier. What happens if someone working for you, one of your employees or one person can be a sole proprietorship, a C corporation, or an S corporation. A limited liability company that is owned by two or more persons can be a partnership, a C corporation, or even an S corporation (if the LLC meets the S corporation eligibility requirements). This second benefit of the limited liability company means that an LLC can choose to be taxed in whatever way is most favorable to the investment or the owners.
For example, a very small real estate business with a single member (LLC owners are called “members”), might decide to be treated as a sole proprietorship for federal income tax purposes. This decision to be treated as sole proprietorship would keep the business’s accounting very simple—and it would also mean that unique tax planning opportunities available to sole proprietorships can be used.
A larger real estate investment fund—perhaps one with several partners—might decide to operate as a C corporation or as an S corporation in order to take advantage of some of the unique tax planning advantages of these entity choices. A C corporation, for example, often lets businesses provide rich tax-free fringe benefits to employees including shareholder-employees. And an S corporation often lets a business dramatically reduce the self-employment, social security and Medicare taxes paid on the owner’s profits.
Note: While a limited liability company is not difficult to set up by yourself—you can have the paperwork done less than a quarter hour from now—you should be aware that paying a few hundred dollars to an accountant to pick the right taxation for your new LLC might be the best investment you ever make. It’s common that the right taxation choice for a new LLC can save the owner or owners of a small business $10,000 to $20,000 annually.


The Choice:
When you consider the two big benefits of a limited liability company—limited liability but with less red tape and tremendous tax flexibility—you have almost the perfect investment entity choice. So an obvious question is “Why wouldn’t every investor use an LLC or limited liability company?”  Perhaps predictably, there are some costs and headaches associated with operating as an LLC.

An LLC may increase your banking, accounting and insurance costs. For example, while the bank account for a sole proprietorship or informal partnership may be free if you keep a large-enough balance, the bank account for a limited liability company probably won’t be free. The bank may charge $10, $20, even more each month.
While a sole proprietorship or informal real estate partnership may be able to keep its bookkeeping and income tax return preparation very simple, an LLC probably needs to file its own tax return if the LLC operates as a partnership, a C corporation or an S corporation. And this LLC tax return may cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars annually.
Finally, it’s worthwhile to note that an LLC may involve several hundred or even a few thousand dollars of startup expense. For example, you may spend money on publications like this. You may buy the services of accountants and attorneys. You will need to print new letterhead, business cards, and envelopes (if you use these) that use the new LLC’s name in order to show the world that you’re now operating as a limited liability company.

So where does all this leave you? How should you balance the big benefits of forming an LLC with all the costs and drawbacks? Unfortunately, I can’t give you a one-size-fits-all answer. You’ll need to carefully consider the benefits and costs as they add up in your specific situation.
I will share these thoughts, however. In my opinion, an LLC is uneconomical for very small real estate investments—unless there is only a single owner. For example, a real estate investor who owns one single-family home may not want to shoulder the hundreds of dollars of cost (or more?) incurred in setting up and operating an LLC. (Remember that this investor can use liability insurance to reduce his or her risk, too.)
On the other hand, any time you’ve got a large real estate investment—say multifamily housing—or any time you’ve got substantial wealth, an LLC economically reduces investment risk and as an added bonus can even save the owners thousands of dollars a year in income or payroll taxes.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

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A Complete Marketer's Guide To Marketing And Publishing Using Rss.

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New ideas on real estate investing with Little Money down

The current financial crisis was frightened to casual investor into real estate.  In fact, people have always been afraid of dealing in real estate, because a casual investor believes that real estate is a game for those engaged in cash.  


To some extent, they are right because most operations real estate lot of initial investment.  Currently, in an environment of uncertainty financial, people are not all risk takers with their money.  To be very frank, their attitude is very appropriate in the current crisis.  


There are always several ways you can invest in real estate.  You do not need to invest your own money; rather, apply you certain techniques that require a minimum initial investment.  These techniques tested time and have been used by real professional investors. Some of these techniques are listed below.  You must be very patient in their application since no seed bears fruit immediately.  However, it is impossible to fail if you are dedicated, honest and clear.

Escrow: Double close- purchase and sale simultaneously


It is a very effective way to invest in real estate with minimum capital.  The method is very simple but some coordination and great moment.  You are buying a property from a seller at a discounted price.  You must convince the seller that you will be able to make the payment after a short period of time.   Within this period, you will find a buyer for the same property but emphasize immediate. When you receive the cash offer from the cash buyer, you use this money to pay the seller.  Your earnings will be the amount of the difference in purchase and sale price.

The profit you make in this investment can be used for the purchase of another.  In this way, your efforts and knowledge in real estate grow as you your career goes.


Flipping or correct and return:

This is a possible alternative to make money in real estate without investing your own.  The process involves the purchase of property or a home for less than its value and then market sell for profit after getting it repaired and application of face-lift.  We must understand that it is much more than simply buying, sale and repair. 


To return homes back to market successfully, you should consider the following points.

Be always on the lookout

It is a feature that you need to develop if you decide to return the properties to the market.  You must always search for properties that can be bought and sold after minor adjustments.  You must also let everyone know you are in this business.  Make sure that whenever a property appears in the market, you are the first person to hear about it.

Convert information into offers

The moment that you receive information about a potential property, you must be the first person to visit the place, your success in business depends on the speed with which you can move property immediately.

If you keep in mind the above points, there is nothing that can prevent you from becoming successful.


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Monday, October 4, 2010

How can I market my Real Estate Business on the Internet for maximum growth?

With the gloomy picture in the housing market, at present, many people who have done it all their lives are looking for new ways to increase your winnings.  Many have since changed careers, but for those who remain, there is a completely new world just waiting to be explored.  Take your real estate business online can seem a big challenge for those who always have resorted to traditional methods, but it can also elevate your business immensely.

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Marketing your real estate business on the Internet is like any other online business marketing.  It is all about designing yourself as an expert in the eyes of your potential customers. Selling yourself first and not your company, this way you will attract people to you automatically. People are always attracted to leaders, experts and people who are at the top of your game within their specific markets.  Now, you do not have to be the best to make millions in real estate, is how you present yourself.

As a real estate agent, or broker, or whatever the title is in your industry, you are already an expert in your field.  I sometimes marvel at how some of you guys project yourselves when making their presentations, but the world still do not know how good you are.  All you have to do now to dominate the competition and get away with big checks is to let the world know.  So what is the easiest and most effective way to do this?

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The way to establish yourself as an expert in online marketing is giving valuable information and useful to your target audience.  Do not think about what you gain from this will initially; just provide good information that can help your potential customers with their problems. Remember, people spend hours on the Internet every day looking for a solution to their problems, help them solve it and you are your hero.

An effective way to do this is to write informative articles and reports that provide information useful and relevant to your target market.  These could be "how to" articles telling them how to accomplish a specific task; for example, "How to buy car rental properties with No Money Down" or "5 simple ' Brush-ups ' you can do to guarantee top dollar when selling your home."

The key here is to optimize these articles with keywords or keyword phrases that people are using to look for this information and to the areas where you are doing business in.  Articles must only be allowed to provide high quality information for these people and nothing about your company.  The resource box at the end of your article will provide a link to your website or blog for them more information.

You could take it a step further, selling cheap real estate information related to your specialty.  You can create this yourself, or access them through an affiliate program.  This will allow you to get them into your sales funnel where you can introduce your business to them.  This also allows you to recommend other products relevant to your core business any time you want.

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If you specialize in a certain area like most people, you create a newsletter and download articles on it.  Offer your newsletter on your website or blog will allow you to create a list of potential customers interested in what you do.  Build a huge list, developing a good relationship with this list and you will have the keys for passive income unlimited anytime you want.

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Marketing your business on the Internet for maximum growth is all about selling yourself and your company.  People do business with people they know and trust, and to gain this trust, you will have to demonstrate that you are good at what you do.  Let your prospects see you can give them the help they need, and that you have your best interest at heart.  This will ensure that your real estate business continues to grow and provide profitability and security that you deserve.

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Friday, October 1, 2010

How fast will I pay down Principal?

Thank you for visiting. Comparing principal payback on 10-year, 15-year, 20-year, and 30-year fixed mortgages.

If a bank makes a fixed income, principal + interest mortgage, a borrower's monthly payments calculated amortization, principles of depreciation.

Related mortgage amortization is the process of a loan to pay $ 0 in the course of time.

For homeowners, a mortgage amortization is schedule's main feature as it renders mortgage payments interest heavy at the beginning.  There is very little principal that goes back to the Bank every month is.

If you have ever looked at your mortgage statement after a few years and thought, "I've paid this thing a little down!” it's because the schedules are extremely "Bank friendly".

At today's prices, it would take 20 years on the 30-year fixed mortgages due to reduce half.

That said, amortization schedules, House and homeowners mortgage benefit are tax deductible and can provide the early interest heavy years of loan greater tax benefits as the loan late years.

In addition, a repayment plan with "extra" mortgage payments can accelerate a loan's life with a few basic planning can be shaved.

Here is some different $ 300,000-loan with a mortgage rate of 5% after 10 years:

A 15-year mortgage balance is reduced by 58%.  A 20-years mortgage balance is reduced by 38%.   A 30-year mortgage balance is reduced by 19%.

After 15 years of payback, the figures seem similar to excessively:

Meanwhile, according to interest rates, and depreciation schedules in more or less, is in favor of the Bank.   Interest payments raise higher prices; lower prices increase the main payback.

Today's low rates are good for homeowner.  Depreciation is difficult, but it is easy to make sense when you consider the final figures.

If you have an existing mortgage a want to add an extra monthly payment to reduce your time, or want to know how your "payment period" are affected after a refinancing to keep track: 

APNewsBreak: BofA delays foreclosures Real Estate Writer – 17 mins ago

WASHINGTON – Bank of America says it is delaying foreclosures in 23 states as it examines whether it rushed the foreclosure process for thousands of homeowners without reading the documents.

Bank of America is not yet able to estimate how many homeowners cases will be affected, a spokesman for the nation's largest bank says.

A bank official acknowledged in a legal proceeding in February that she signed up to 8,000 foreclosure documents a month and typically didn't read them. The Associated Press obtained the document Friday.

The executive's admission adds the nation's largest bank to a growing list of mortgage companies whose employees signed documents in foreclosure cases without verifying the information in them.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

NACA’s Save the Dream Tour is returning to California.

Link Directory

Dear Homeowners,

NACA’s Save the Dream Tour is returning to California.

•Los Angeles, CA from Thursday Sept. 30th through Monday October 4th. We will be at the Los Angeles Convention Center - 1201 South Figueroa Street Los Angeles. Doors open Sept 30th at 9:00am & close Oct. 4th at 8:00pm

•Sacramento, CA from Friday October 8th through Tuesday October 12th. We will be at the Cal Expo Pavillion - 1600 Exposition Blvd Sacramento. Doors open Friday Oct. 8th at 9:00am & close Oct. 12th at 8:00pm

NACA is determined to achieve your affordable solution. This is your opportunity to get it done. We strongly recommend that you come from near and far, particularly if you are frustrated with your Lender/Servicer due to not getting a response, not getting an acceptable solution, not satisfied with your solution, being denied a solution, or other issues you have with your Lender.

You need to come and talk to them about getting to your affordable mortgage payment now. We will be at the Los Angeles Convention Center from Thursday Sept. 30th through Monday October 4th and at the Cal Expo Pavillion in Sacramento from Friday October 8th through Tuesday October 12th - all day and night for 24 hours a day, 100 straight hours, during the five days.

We expect thousands of homeowners with an unaffordable mortgage to attend with thousands achieving same day solutions during the event. These NACA events have been incredibly successful and have become the only viable solution for large numbers of at-risk homeowners. Many homeowners have had their mortgage payments permanently reduced by over $500 a month and some by over $1,000 often with interest rates reduced to 3% or 2% and sometimes a principal reduction. All of NACA’s services are FREE.

•Bring your most recent pay stubs or other verification of income. You should also access your Web-File to review the most recent updates and your next steps – Click here to review your Web-File.
•Los Angeles Outreach flyer - Click here to print or send flyer.

•Sacramento Outreach flyer - Click here to print or send flyer.

Tell your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers. NACA provides the best solution to the mortgage crisis. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose - there is no cost and the major lenders and investors will be on site. Do not miss this opportunity to make your mortgage payment affordable! We look forward in assisting you in achieving your affordable long-term solution.
Links about Save-the-Dream Events: NACA Video of Save-the-Dream events Media coverage of previous events

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Soon, NACA will once again travel across the county in order to help America’s at risk homeowners. Here are some of the projected cities:




This is a Save-a-Thon, that means 24 hours a day or over 100 straight hours. We expect many thousands of homeowners with an unaffordable mortgage to attend these events. NACA’s historic Save the Dream Tour has been an incredible success with over 375,000 participants in fifteen cities and many thousands of homeowners receiving same day solutions. Most people have had their mortgages payments permanently reduced by over $500 and many by over $1,000 a month often with interest rates reduced to 3% or 2% and sometimes a principal reduction. All of NACA’s services are FREE. Over 300 NACA counselors will work with you to determine an affordable mortgage payment. In addition, the servicers/lenders have hundreds of staff on-site and in their offices to approve your solution.

NACA’s historic Save the Dream Tour has been an incredible success with hundreds of thousands participants in thirteen cities. Thousands of homeowners received same day solutions having their mortgage payments permanently reduced by over $500 and many by over $1,000 a month often with interest rates reduced to 3% or 2% and sometimes a principal reduction. NACA has legally binding agreements with all the major lenders / servicers to achieve this. All of NACA’s services are FREE!

NACA will continue the Save the Dream tour in 2010 with events in thirty cities nationwide. We will soon be updating the website with the Tour Schedule.

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